Ranch Life at the O'Hair Ranch Company

The Armstrong/O'Hair ranch was settled in 1876 by O.T. Armstrong. O.T. was a farmer from Missouri that had a number of crops lost to flooding river in the Missouri river basin and decided to mover West. He arrived a few miles south of Livingston and established a cattle ranch.

At the time O.T. established the ranch it was only about 350 acres with a small number of cattle. Today the under family management, the property still operates as a working cattle ranch with over 1,000 head of cows with about 15,000 deed acres and lease about the same amount of ground for the cattle to graze.

In the early years fishing on the spring creek was open to just about anyone who asked. But in the 1970s, there became a higher demand to fish the creek not to mention a lot more people. During this higher demand The Orvis company along with a number of other fishing companies leased and managed the property for the O'Hair family. After a few years of management the ranch took over management and began to charge a small fee for the use of the creek. Even in these early days of fishing family encouraged catch and release of the fish to ensure that others would have the same enjoyment of the stream.

Today Armstrong's Spring Creek is recognized as one of the best spring creeks in the world. This jewel of a stream was almost lost in 1996 after on of the worst floods on the Yellowstone River threatened to envelope the creek. Massive amounts of earth work and habitat restoration was undertaken to save the creek. A large portion of the rod fees associated with fishing the creek are used to pay for the work that was done in the 1990s as well as to maintain and improve the health of this unique spring creek.

To learn more about the fishing at Armstrong's Spring Creek please visit the Spring Creek Fishing section of our web site.


"We are a family owned and operated cattle ranch that was founded by my great, great grandfather O.T. Armstrong in 1876."

Jerry O'Hair
Co-owner O'Hair Ranch